God Wants Us to Love One Another as Much as We Have Been Loved by Him > 엘렌의 글방

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God Wants Us to Love One Another as Much as We Have Been Loved by Him

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 God Wants Us to Love One Another as Much as We Have Been Loved by Him ㅡ

 “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” (John 15:12)

 In view of what Christ has done for us, and what He has suffered for sinners, we should, out of pure, disinterested love for souls, imitate His example by sacrificing our own pleasure and convenience for their good.

 The joy set before Christ, which sustained Him in all His sufferings, was the salvation of poor sinners.

 This should be our joy and the spur of our ambition in the cause of our Master.

 In so doing we please God and manifest our love and devotion to Him as His servants.

 He first loved us, and withheld not from us His beloved Son, but gave Him from His bosom to die that we might have life.

 Love, true love for our fellow men, evinces love to God.

 We may make a high profession, yet without this love it is nothing.

 Our faith may lead us to even give our bodies to be burned, yet without self-sacrificing love, such as lived in the bosom of Jesus and was exemplified in His life, we are as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.

 (Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 115)


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