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필리핀 마닐라에서 현재 개최되고 있는 대총회 추계 회의에 참석 중이던 윌리암 쟌슨 목사님(전 리뷰 헤랄드 편집인)이 교통사고를 당하여 미국으로 후송될 것이라고 합니다.  일생을 주의 사업에 헌신하여 충성한 노종의 생명을 위해 특별한 기도가 필요합니다.  

협의회장 김 동 은

대총회 총무부 차장 래리 에반즈 목사님의 사고 소식 전달 기사가 아래에 있습니다.

Dr. Bill Johnsson, former editor of Adventist Review/World, was exercising this morning just a short distance from the convention center when he was hit by a motorcycle. Brad and Candace Thorp (of Hope Channel) were in a taxi and noticed someone lying on the pavement. The motorcycle driver remained by. They soon realized that it was Elder Johnsson.

The Thorps arranged for him to be transported to the Manila Adventist Hospital. He has suffered a “severe” break(s) in the ankle area. Fortunately Dr. Handysides of the GC went to the hospital too to help make plans for treatment back home. The leg/ankle will be adjusted and then immobilized for the purpose of transportation. Surgery will be needed but arrangements will be made for him to fly home to have the surgery there. Dr. Landless in Maryland has made arrangements for surgery once he arrives. A wife of one of the VPs will accompany him on the long flight home.

Dr and Mrs Johnsson have both had some health challenges in recent years but have made good progress. Yesterday Elder Johnsson’s sister passed away so you can imagine the stress both of them are going through. Your prayers will certainly be appreciated.



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