영어권 2세 Leadership Conference > 소식

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지역교회 영어권 2세 Leadership Conference

페이지 정보




강사: Daniel M. Duffis Jr.


Although he was born on the Colombian island of San Andrés (1989), Daniel spent most of his childhood on the Dutch Caribbean islands of Curaçao and St. Maarten, where his parents served as missionaries. He moved to the United States in 2007 and studied graphic design for two years, but soon felt impressed to live and serve in the context of ministry as well. After many nights battling with God, Daniel finally accepted the call and has since completed both his Bachelor in Pastoral Theology (Antillean Adventist University, 2013) and Master of Divinity (Andrews University, 2016). Throughout his theological studies, Daniel grew highly interested in cultural diversity and how it affects spirituality in postmodern and urban environments. He currently does research in this area as he works on his Ph.D. in Missiology at the Adventist Theological Seminary in Michigan. Exposed to different cultures from a young age, Daniel is fluent in five languages and has worked as a pastor, teacher and missionary in various countries and diverse settings, including Puerto Rico (2011-2013), Brazil (2017) and the United States (current). At the moment he currently serves as the pastor of One Hope, a young and growing Adventist church in the diverse, multi-ethnic community of Queens, New York.


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